Sunday, October 2, 2016

How I seeing myself as an audience start now on

Before I take this COMM 3P18 class, I didn’t realize that as a student I was being an audience basically all the time. Because every time we are listening to the lecture or participate in the seminar, we are audiences in certain ways. After the first two lectures of COMM 3P18, I start to know myself as an audience. I start to realize what is an audience and being an audience. Sullivan (2013, P.2) mentioned in the Introduction chapter in the textbook, audience has multiple meanings. For example, as a student in the COMM 3P19 lecture I was in the audience, this means that I was one of a number of individuals that listening to the lecture at the same time and place. So I was paying attention to the same lecture at the same time with other students. Second, I was part of the audience, because when I use laptop to access Sakai, I was viewing same media source as many of other students. But we were not located in the same place
In the textbook (Sullivan, 2013, P. 2), there are two notions. One is an information-based notion of the audience experience. For example, all Brock students use Sakai to check out daily-posted information and upload or download files. The transmission of view of the audiences emphasizes symbolic transaction between a speaker and a receiver. At this moment, I could say that Brock students and the webpage Sakai can be both in speaker and receiver, because when Brock students are speakers, it means we use Sakai to upload information, and Sakai as a media webpage receive the information that we upload. When Brock students are receivers, it means we use Sakai to download information. At this time, Sakai is the speaker.

In the textbook (Sullivan, 2013, P. 6), there are three models. The first is the audience-as-outcome. The textbook explains this model “sees people as being acted upon by media”; especially it reflects a concern about the power of media to produce detrimental effects on individuals, and by implication on society as a whole. I believe in this model, because I can see how the media effects on people in nowadays. Recently in China, there is a celebrity having depressive disorder I think its have been three or four years already, and suicide at his home just in September. This is shock news, because he was only 28. He as an audience, I can see that how the power of media affects on him, especially media violence is so rampant nowadays. He as a public figure and as an audience has to face all the comments and judgments from other people, no matter its bad or not. This is so stressed to a celebrity. The third model is audience-as-agent. I can use myself as an example. My daily habit is watching video on YouTube. I specific watch media content like Korean pop music video and horror movie introduction and narration. This is my interest it meets the definition selecting specific media content to fit their own needs and desires of the third model. 
This is how I start seeing myself as an audience in daily life after I have first two weeks lectures.

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